Stikkord: minimalistic


My home is an old wooden building constructed like most old wood houses in my area, in the log house technique. In older days the technique itself, were not appreciated as beautiful, and was hidden under layers of panel and tapestry if you could afford it. Now a day we appreciate the beauty in the construction and prefer to let the log houses and cottages stand without decoration or cover of any kind.

When you make jewelry, there is this many steps in the process that, by itself, is so beautiful in its own way, but never revealed to the user. When working as a jewelry designer it is very common that you focus on some kind of decor, or shape that you want to visualize in the best way possible. The structure of the jewelry is just there as something to achieve and highlight this, usually not given any attention, although it is crucial to the overall design. So as when you strip buildings of its panels, tapestry and cover, and find the raw beauty of its construction. I wanted with this collection to show the beauty in the raw and functional constructions in a piece of jewelry.

Fundament therefore became a minimalistic unisex collection based on the simple shapes that reveals itself in early stages of any jewelry. The focus on the materials beauty and characteristics, stripped of its decor and dominant shapes, makes it easy to use as an everyday piece of jewelry.

The shapes are made using the same forging techniques as in handmade nails and other raw hand forged items throughout history.

The collection is available in bright silver and oxidized silver, gold is made on special orders.

Om oss

Linn Sigrid Bratland kombinere gamle håndverksteknikker med en helt særegen bruk av emalje.

På verkstedet er det i dag to stykk som jobbar sammen med alt fra produksjonen til administrering. Det er Linn Sigrid Bratland som er grunnleggar, designer og sølvsmed med god hjelp fra Stian som er en dyktig håndverker full av praktiske løsninger.

Sammen utgjør de det som er Linn Sigrid Bratland sitt verksted i dag.

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